Monday, September 10, 2007

Chaplain School

The Chaplain School at Fort Jackson, SC.

(For God And Country)

This week I depart for "Chaplain School" at Fort Jackson in Colombia, South Carolina.

This will not be the first time I have been on this base. June 6, 1983 I entered the US Army and the New Mexico National Guard through the processing station at Fort Jackson and I went through the wonder 8 Weeks of "Basic Training". I was also stationed there following 'Basic' to complete "AIT" (Advanced Individual Training) where I played with the 285th Army Band.

24 years later it's Deja Vu All Over Again. Well, except that this time I'm an officer and this time I am focusing on becoming qualified as a Chaplain and not a bandsman or fighting soldier. I will take as many opportunities to keep you updated through this BLOG as possible. I am not sure that I will have any great frequency at Internet access, but I will do my best.

I would greatly appreciate knowing that you are praying for me. You don't have to tell me that you are, just pray when you think about it. And I would really love it if you would check in on Shari and the girls while I am way. Coda would appreciate that too. It is an awful big job to serve as "Guard-Dog" when all you really want to do sniff and make friends with everyone who walks by.

-John Martinez

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