Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Need More Faith?

I thought recently that I needed more faith to to be a better Christian, so my natural reaction was to ask God to give me more faith. Sounds logical right?

I thought so too.

But Romans 10:17 reminded me that "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Rom. 10:17 KJV

If I want more faith I have to spend more time in His Word. The thing I wanted to happen was for God to wave His magical wand over me and pronounce me as "FAITHFUL".


It don't work that way.

This may sound strange, but we have increased faith about what God will do in the future because we see what He has already accomplished in the past. Let me put it another way:

The reason I have faith in the chair I sit in to hold me up is because I can see what it has already accomplished every other time I sat down. Every day I come into my office and flop right down without a second thought. I never worry that one of these times I may sit and fall through the floor, because that chair, and the floor for that matter are trustworthy.

God is just like that. He is trustworthy. He is faithful to provide all our needs and a lot of our desires on top of that.

A dear friend recently called me with a praise. In spite of losing a job in recent months and concerns about finances, they have continued to be faithful and diligent in God's Word daily.

Guess what. God blessed their socks off! Two cards came in the mail on the same day with a combination of $800.

When we worry about what God has already promised He would take care of, we show our faithlessness. Charles H Spurgeon says this: "When a man is anxious he cannot pray with faith; when he is troubled about the world, he cannot serve his Master, his thoughts are serving himself. If you would 'seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,' all things would then be added unto you. You are meddling with Christ's business, and neglecting your own when you fret about your lot and circumstances." Spurgeon goes on to say that we should, "...attend to the obeying, and let Christ manage the providing."

Spurgeon was quoting a passage in Matthew 6:31-33 where Jesus talks to us in the Sermon on the Mount about worry: "31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

I suppose we "Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God," by staying in His Word.

So do you need more Faith? My RX: Read His Word!


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