Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Whats the point of celebrating an "EVE" if the main focus should be the actual holiday itself?

"Eves" have become holiday celebrations in and of themselves in a way that not only supports the actual holiday, but creates for itself a "Stand-Alone" celebration with it's own set of rules and regulations as it were.

Lets dig a bit deeper: There is Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, Midsummer's Eve,(the day that proceeds the longest day of the year on June 24th) in fact, Halloween is a major "eve" that has trumped the actual holiday it precedes. "All Hallow Even" October 31st is the eve of "All Hallows Day" -November 1st.

So what about Christmas Eve? What are you planing to do on that night that couldn't be done on Christmas Day?

Well, I guess I'll go first: We have several traditions that our family chooses to focus on during the holiday season, and one of the most significant is the food.

In a Word: (well, actually two words: Clam Chowder)

I have to admit, we borrowed this one from Shari's side of the family, and I love it. We eat Clam Chowder on Christmas Eve. and for that matter Shari makes enough, that we are eating Clam Chowder through New Years.

Several Years ago, however, we took a family trip to the Oregon Coast and I experienced that absolute best Clam Chowder I have ever eaten in my life. We ate at "Mo's" in Newport, Oregon, and I was sold for life.

Shari makes a pretty awesome Clam Chowder from a recipe that was handed down to her by her mother. But there is a slight difference that even Shari agrees on. Well, nonetheless, it's our tradition.

When I was a boy growing up in the Martinez' household, it was our tradition to stay awake till midnight on Christmas Eve and then open our Christmas presents.

Other friends of ours would go to "Midnight Mass" at the Catholic Church.

Whatever your tradition, I wish you the best, but I do want to give you an invitation to our Christmas Eve worship service at Eastside Baptist Church, and then, if you're game, stop by our home for a bowl of Shari's Clam Chowder right aftre the service. It's ok, Shari says I have permission to invite you.


John M


Shari said...

I may never get my clam chowder as good as Mo's or grandma's for that matter, but I'll do my best!!! You always enjoy it though :) And, yes, you do have my permission to invite people over for some clam chowder.

Pastor John said...

Whew! We Better Make Extra!!
