Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Go Get 'Em Bus Driver

I know I am not alone when I say I am anxiously awaiting the finish of "A Bus Driver's Memoir -a look into the rearview mirror of the future", the book that our pastor Paul is writing, and I can't wait to read.

I don't know about you, but the "press" on this book has built some crazy anticipation.

Well, Paul? Friday is the deadline for our Novelist in residence. As far as I'm concerned, I'll take whatever you've got.

Pour the coffee and pass the snicker doodles.



Unknown said...

Hey, I would like to have a bus like that. After selling the WAM van last year I see things like that and think, "that would make a great WAM van." Then reality speaks and I press on. It's funny that Renee's voice sounds a lot like reality.

Pastor John said...

I hear you my friend. Our wives keep us in line.

Hey, did you see that this bus is actually a Rolling Coffee Shop? "Organic Espresso" The "Kosmic Koffee Kruzer"

-I bet they also have Hot Choclate too.
