Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving, Triyptophan and The Cowboys

Tryptophan is a chemical precursor to serotonin, and one of the chemicals somehow manifested during the cooking process of our glorious Thanksgiving Day Turkey. It is more commonly agreed to cause what is referred to as that "Post-Thanksgiving-Dinner-Coma". This is mistakenly referred to by some of our non-Dallas-Cowboy-Fans as boredom.

Whereas, Tryptophan is indeed a chemical that emerges during the Turkey cook-time, it is however negligible in it's dose. You would actually have to consume several whole turkeys to actually get enough of the effectiveness of the the chemical for it to make you slip into a semi-comatose state.

If you did indeed eat that many turkeys in one sitting, you would actually die from food overdose or explode long before the tryptophan kicked in.

Most likely the sleepiness we so often associate with our November meal is probably more the amount of food we ate. After a 2nd helping and an extra slice of whipped cream laden pumpkin pie, almost anyone would want to pass out on the couch as the Cowboys whoop up on whoever dares challenge them on this sacred holiday.

So, fear not, go ahead and take that second turkey leg and don't worry - Oh, and by the way, the Cowboys handled the Jets with ease! Go Cowboys!

-Happy Thanksgiving! or as they say in the old country-
"Feliz Dia Del Pavo Muerto"

-John M.

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