Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Good Boy Coda - Good Boy.

Sometimes bad things happen with good results.

Last week, I was home briefly to pick something up for lunch as well as Shari because she needed the van. As many of you know, we have been sharing one vehicle since last year because Shari's van has been in the shop. (Long story for another blog entry)

Shari had made this delicious soup the night before, that we love here in the Martinez household. It's call "Turkey Wildrice Soup" and it is really yummy. I decided to take some of it as a lunch.

We love our dog so much that we let him ride in the van quite often so Coda got to go too. On our way into town to have Shari drop me off at the Church, Shari and I decided stop at the Oasis to get a soda. We were only in the store for about three or four minutes.

When we got back to the van, we discovered Coda was also a fan of the "Turkey Wildrice Soup".

Naturally we were very angry to say the least with our dog. But there was nothing we could do at this point, so Shari finished taking me to the Church.

Later, Pastor Paul asked me if I had plans for lunch and I had to admit what Coda had done and so he felt real bad and invited me to lunch, and on top of that, Paul picked up the tab. What a nice guy.

So lets review:

  • Soup leftovers for lunch, $2

  • Sodas from Oasis $3

  • Family pet from Pound $50

  • Lunch tab for Pastor Paul $14

  • Getting taken to lunch by a thoughtful pastor: Priceless

Good Boy Coda, Gooood Booooy!



Shanna Locker said...

What a great story! Anyone who knows Coda at all - and just how spoiled he is, kind of like my Lottie - has to know how funny this story is. I guess the moral of the story is; never leave the dog and a bowl of soup together in the same car! :-)

Pastor John said...

Well Said!