Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Almost Done ~ For Now

The last 8 weeks have been a whirlwind of intellectual intensity making my brain tired and worn out from overuse and trying to stuff too much in without warning. I'm talking about? School.

I am only a few days from finishing up my semester of Systematic Theology and Church History. I can assuredly tell you that I have packed away an incredible amount of information, but don't ask me to tell you what, because most of it is still swirling around in my brain and if I opened any little part of it to peek in I am afraid the rest would come flying out.

I am sorry, I know that sounds too graphic, but if I didn't know any better, I would say I was working on a PhD and not a Masters degree. Maybe I don't want to know what a PhD is like.... My hat goes off to all those PhD's out there.

Everyone has been so supportive. Paul and Dawn have been so forgiving to allow me to be buried in the books when I needed it. And somehow God has been so forgiving of my limited time and has almost "multiplied" it when I needed it.

But Shari and the girls have taken the biggest hit. Jessica and Julia will respectfully turn the volume down on the TV when they see me glued behind my computer and will sweetly ask me if I need to study so they give me room at the kitchen table.

Shari has encouraged me so many times when I have had this obvious look of exhaustion in my eyes. She asks me how everything is coming with the books.

She has "shared" me with the other "Shari" when I come dragging in at 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning from studying at "Shari's" Restaurant - Twin Falls only 24 hour "House of Coffee". And in the words of John Lennon, "...I'm not the only one..."

She gives me a compassionate sigh when I come to bed and tell her I just took another test and I didn't score as high as I thought I should have.

Even Coda has been supportive enough not to bark when the garage door opens in the middle of the night. "...Good Boy, little buddy..." He knows its just me coming and going at all hours.

But, in just a few days all this will be over. Over, at least until next time. I am in the process of registering for my next round of classes. Next time is already here. I am must be crazy.



Shanna Locker said...

Isn't there an old saying, "Good things come to those who get no sleep?" I admire your ambition and perseverance. Good to be able to brag on such a wonderful family as you have - Coda included.
Praying for all of you, Shanna

Pastor John said...

Ha Ha. I think the saying goes something like this: Behind every successful person is a lot of coffee.

I don't know if that true or not and my non coffee drinking frinds are proof to the opposite, but I can definitley say my study sessions have kept the coffee business rolling along...

Shanna Locker said...

You know there is much to be said for the brew we love. It's comforting and relaxing, yet can keep us awake. It can be strong, yet when flavored properly, it's very soothing. But the best thing I can say about it you can probably say too; it gave/gives our daughters spending money!
Did you know that the heater went out at the pool at Gold's? The last couple of mornings have been quite invigorating to say the least...BBRRRRRR! I think I burned more calories yesterday attempting to stay warm than I did actually swimming! They did get it repaired last night but it was just barely starting to warm up this morning. Hopefully tomorrow...
Have a great and productive day,

Pastor John said...

Ah, and yet another argument for coffee...

Shari said...

Hi Honey. You give me too much credit. I know the school stuff has been toughest on you, but I for one am glad that this is just a (hopefully short) season of our lives. I am so very proud of you and all you have done and are doing!!! You are my hero!!!