Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Time To Think!

I have really had quite a bit of time to slow down and think, and relax here in Colorado. Not that Colorado is the only place a person can do this sort of thing, but since I have been removed from all the temptation of running at full full speed, I don't have much else to do, other than drive around town watching the deer and elk. Buena Vista is litterally a place "where the deer and the antelope play", and elk too. Deer picture was taken in Buena Vista on a cold December Morning.

It really has been good for me; most of you who already know me well, know that I find it hard to sit too long before I am off and running an errand or chasing a chore or just doing 'something'. I even find it hard to sit and fish in one spot too long unless the fish are biting.

But this past week has been a reminder and great lesson in sitting and not doing much. Shari, on the other hand loves to just plant herself and dig in for a while. I should learn a lesson from her. I guess its a lot like Mary and Martha.

I spoke with Pastor Paul this morning and he tells me that most of the snow in Twin has melted from the drizzle of rains. Here in Colorado, the snow is staying, and I hear there is more on the way. I hear it is supposed to arrive the day we leave to come home. (Friday). Pray for us, the Martinez' and the Lawley's would really like to get home safely. I look forward to worshipping with you this coming Sunday.


John Martinez

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