Friday, December 29, 2006

My Alibi

We are still in Colorado! According to our schedule, the Lawley's and the Martinez' should already be on their way home to Idaho. But I suppose God has a different plan. "The Blizzard of 2006 - II" is upon us and we fell victim.

Here is my alibi -- The following pictures are proof that we are stuck in the snow:

Jessica and Julia are having a great time in the snow in Grammi's front yard.
Yup, That's right, I did say front yard.

So far the totals around Colorado are fluctuating anywhere between 8" to nearly 2 feet on top of the last storm they had last week. But here in Buena Vista where we are, we received about 8".

Our plan is leave a day later and still be home to worship with you on Sunday morning, no worse for the wear.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey John, You know that with a photo and a computer you can make it look like it's snowing on the beach. Be safe. See you soon.