Monday, May 18, 2009

Special Day

Yesterday was a very special day for me and my family. My ordination does not come lightly and I am humbled at a Mighty God who has chosen to set apart a simple man for His great work.

I am convinced that it is His intention to accomplish any work of significance through me rather than assume I can pull anything off apart from His power and Divine intervention.

I am so grateful for the effort that Pastor Paul has gone through to assure that the service was special and done well. He is a good and trusted friend. I appreciate the Charge that Pastor Paul shared to the Church from Timothy as to those who minister.

Pastor and Chaplain (BG US Army Ret.) Dan Robinson provided a sermon that I will be thinking about for a long time. There is great responsibility in Shepherding that is not to be handled in a pious manner; yet with humbleness and realization that God is to do the work through us we are to be thoroughly obedient to Him.



Shanna Locker said...

I do wish I could have been there, and I wanted to be. This recovery is just making me stay home more than I would like. I'm glad it was a special time.

Pastor John said...

Thank you Shanna. Your comments means as much as your attendance.
