Monday, May 25, 2009

Into the World

Yes, it is hard to believe but both Shari and I are old enough to have a high school graduate in our household but it is true.

Jessica Leigh Martinez is now an official holder of a High School Diploma from the prestigious Martinez Family Homeschool. Jessica and her friend Brandi are ready to show their independence by driving to Boise today to see a movie and have lunch.

Naturally as her father, I queried if indeed we had movie theaters and dining establishments here in Twin Falls, but I suppose that is just not the point. Our daughter wants to express her independence and "Go To The Big City".

Shari reminded me that she did the same thing when she was her age, and I recall my first independent trip to the big city of Albuquerque was only days after I had acquired my drivers license; mine was a date with one Karen Iorio two years my senior to do what else, see a movie and eat lunch. Strangely enough that day is still etched in my mind: We watched the movie Terms of Endearment and ate lunch at Garcia's Mexican Restaurant where I ordered a Chimichanga and a coke.

Freedom is just a bit sweeter when you know that mom and dad are out of reach and you are on your own for a little while: at least for a lunch and movie in the "Big City".



Shanna Locker said...

It's hard isn't it? I'm not sure that 2 years has made it any easier, but I am very proud of the adult my baby girl has become. I told Alex he just can't leave... My heart has to mend before it is broken again!

Pastor John said...

;(... We shed our tears but tears were shed for us. My own mother still cries when I leave after a visit
