Friday, October 3, 2008

Here is a video produced by ABC News about some of the things Chaplains are doing around the world. It may not be one you would let you kids watch, but it is factual.

Meanwhile, I am looking at finishing up the rest of my Chaplain School Training starting this next month and hopefully by Summer of 2009 I should, by the grace of God, be finished with the classes I am taking online. At that point I should move from being a Chaplain Candidate to serving as a Chaplain.

Through the overwhelming support of my Church, Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, Idaho, I have already been able to serve the soldiers of the 116th BSTB (Brigade Special Troops Battalion) in Twin Falls.

We all hear that deployment is likely but not guaranteed. I am Ok either way. I have learned to love the ministry that God has given me to the members of Eastide and the 116th BSTB. Both have taught me so much and both are places I love to be.

I have also discovered that I don't have to go get my boots in the Arabian sands to actually minister to soldiers. The ministry to the soldiers will exist wherever the soldiers are located.

Mostly, I just bless God for the way He has revealed to me and invited me to join Him where He is at work in people lives. I love that it is God who is doing the work and changing lives and that he chooses to do it through weak vessels like me.

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