Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I recall a time not too long ago when our family had just moved from New Mexico to Twin Falls, Idaho. In the excitement of transitioning into a new and fresh ministry, there were lots of details that we dealt with as they arose.

In certain cases I suppose this philosophy works OK. The problem is that with vehicle insurance this is not the best plan of attack. It is here that one must be proactive.

We came here with insurance on our vehicles from New Mexico but by the first December we lived here we allowed it lapse. Not a good thing to do.

Number 1, Idaho requires insurance. Number 2, if something happens, the cost for repairs and injuries come out of your own pocket. OUCH!

Guess what, something happened....

A few months after the insurance lapsed, we had been looking at starting a new policy and only one week after telling Shari that I wanted to get another quote because I knew we could get a better deal somewhere else, Jessica had an accident.

Alright, let me just state for the record, we were wrong. Never hunt for insurance while you don't have a current policy. This is flat out dumb. And never let a teenager with a drivers permit drive a vehicle without insurance.; Very, Very Dumb!

Long story short: we learned a multitude of lessons the hard way.

There are some types of lessons that can be learned at different points along the journey, that we can look back on and say thank you Lord for protecting us, and others we have to say: thank you Lord, for teaching us the hard lessons of life.

Had we owned an insurance policy we would be looking back at all of this in a different way. We would have been "Fireproofed" in a manner of speaking from the financial predicament we allowed ourselves to fall under. Well you get the point.

Interestingly enough, there is a movie that hits the big screen this weekend here in Twin Falls. It's called "Fireproof". It is about a fireman and his marriage that is on the rocks. One of the truths of the story is that for everyone there will come fire. Some will be prepared for the inevitable struggles, and so many others will find themselves looking back at the broken pieces, wondering what happened.

I would encourage you to take your sweetheart, or if you don't have a sweetheart, take yourself and join Pastor Paul at the Twin Cinema on Eastland and Kimberly Road this Friday night for the 7:00pm showing of Fireproof the movie.

We are all at different points along the journey; Some of us have fantastic marriage relationships, others at are at a point of calling it quits and walking away. Some perhaps are not even in a relationship at all, but this is what insurance is all about. Its called fireproofing before the fire shows up.

All in all, we payed about$2,500 out of pocket dealing with our lack of insurance, a lot more than if we would have paid through a policy. How we wish we could turn back time.

-John Martinez

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