Monday, April 7, 2008

City Slickers

Our youth Boys had a great finish to their "Call Of The Wild" - Start2Finish class.
Our boys enjoyed several events that helped them to bond and refocus their attention on the Creator as the Giver of all good things.

The first weekend was Called "R.O.C. The Canyon" and was a play of the Rock the Canyon event and the "R.O.C." (Relying On Christ) theme for our student ministry. We dropped the boys off at the bottom of the Snake River Canyon at the Centennial Park and told them to hike out. They met at the top of the canyon quite conveniently at the IHOP for milkshakes and Bible Study led by Larry Kelley.

Week two was the "Tour De Twin" where we biked across Twin Falls from "Old Town" through Rock Creek Canyon to the Rock Creek Park where we enjoyed an open pit fire Hot Dogs and a Bible Study led by myself.

Week three was called "Wild West" and we met at the Jerome Shooting Range where we shot everything from paper targets to skeet. We fired shotguns, .22 rifles, and several high powered rifles afforded to us by John Christlieb. Our Bible study was led by Mike Mathews who also served as our range boss keeping everyone safe.

Our final week we travelled to Declo for what we called "City Slickers". Here we were given an opportunity to be "cowboys" for a day. We branded over 30 head of cattle (calves), gave them their 'Shots' as well as depriving a few of their manhood as it were. Dennis Bortz led the Bible study as well as providing the cows. The above pictures are some of the evidence.

I can't wait to see what gets planned for next year. Maybe we'll head to the mountains for a few days and rough it in the wilds.

-John M


Shari said...

Looks like you guys had fun!!! Brings back memories for me. Although Paul looks a little apprehensive of those calves. hee hee!

Pastor John said...

Paul was a natural. I think he is a "cow-whisperer". He could just walk right up to them.


Unknown said...

I would whisper "please don't touch me, I don't want to die in a calf stampede." (how would that look on the medical report?)

They pretty much listened to me all day long.