Monday, August 13, 2007

My Apologies

The world we live in today is rather socked in with sin. We have to navigate our way through deceit and deception and then we are even faced with the blatant as well.

But sometimes it is the subtle approach that is the most cunning of all. In the process of providing a BLOG site to be for our church to read about it's pastors, the site we use has within itself a 'backdoor' to the evil of this world.

We were informed that on the home page of our BLOG there existed a link to what could eventually lead a person to view inappropriate material on the Internet. Thank you to our observant readers and their quick response to us.

I want to apologize that this was even remotely possible through our BLOG and I sincerely apologize if you may have stumbled across this while reading the BLOG. However, the navigation bar where the link was located has now been removed and as far as we know, it should not pose a problem in the future.


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