Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It's Tuesday

Well, this may sound strange, but I have decided to be a bit more regular in posting to my BLOG.

In the past I have typically made entries when there was a significant event or similar to report. However, I have realized that consistency is preferable.

So other than it's Tuesday, here I am to post so here goes nothing, literally. :)

This past week has held a great reminding lesson for me in the finer details of body chemistry. I have re-discovered the joys of lactic acid build up in my muscles. Saturday was filled with climbing Mt. Borah (Idaho's highest peak). Although I was exhausted when the 14 hour 21 minute climb was done, I was still in store for all the pain that ensues.

Monday was the worst. I felt like I was a candidate for the nursing home. I would sit down and not want to get up for fear of pain. I would stand up and not want to sit down for fear of not being able to get up if I sat down. uggh.

Although I did manage to stay free of blisters on my feet, I did end up with bruises on the balls of my feet. And the new hiking boots I took on the hike now look as though I have owned them for the past five years.

I decided to go to the gym to work through some of the pain and possibly work it out. All I accomplished was creating more pain. I don't ever remember getting and staying this sore for this long when I was a teenager.

Tuesday is better on the scale of pain factorability, but now my chapped lips from the day in the wind are ready to take me the distance. I should go look for some carmex, and some Ibuprophen.


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