Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Effect of Our Words

Have you ever done something that surprised you with a bigger effect on many more people than you could have imagined??

Let me tell you about a story I heard that took place in Colorado a number of years ago....

A young man was driving in a car with his mother as the passenger. They began to argue about something and the mother either pushed or grabbed her son which caused him to lose control of his vehicle.

They were only travelling about 35 MPH but the car popped over a curb and ran into a chain link fence.

The accident was really only minor, except that the horizontal support pole on top of the fence came right through the windshield and impaled the mother in her chest. She died on the scene.

What kind of argument could have been worth a life?

What words did this young man have for his mother that he wishes he could take back?

What were the "last words" they shared with each other?

What would have been a better choice of words on this fateful day?

Some of the best words ever shared in an argument were: "I'm Sorry, You Were Right."

In 2008, how can we better choose our words? Not only those directly spoken to another person, but even those words we speak about a person in confidence to another.

There is a far reaching effect that our words have whether we want them to or not.

Lets choose to say things like:

"I am so glad to have you as a friend."

"What is your opinion?"

"I could do this better with Your help?"

"Will you pray with me about this?"

"I sure like that person, don't you?"

Happy New Year!

-John M


Shanna Locker said...

I just spent a most wonderful day with "Daybreak". a men's trio from the Boise area. I worked with them for a couple of years. Over lunch we were talking about this exact topic. Our words, or sometimes the lack thereof, have a lasting impact on people. Knowing when to speak, what to speak, and being able to keep our words kind can be hard. A lesson I have learned, especially with my husband and kids, is to stop and think, "Is this how I would want to be spoken to?" If the answer is yes then I speak. I try to keep this as a motto, "Let all that I do, (and say) be done with love."

Pastor John said...

Well put Shanna.

There are a lot of words I wish could take back. I suppoese there are some people that wish they could take back some of the words thay have said to me too. I don't think that makes us even, only wiser.


Shari said...

Let my words be few, encouraging, uplifting and loving. Well put words, Dear.