Saturday, January 19, 2008

I'm Back

Hello to my faithful readers.... I guess I should say: to those disappointed faithful who regularly check if I have posted anything on my BLOG - readers. Thanks!

I apologize for my lack of BLOGGING in recent weeks. I have found myself consumed with an intense busyness and literally moving from event to event with very little breathing room.

Staying faithful to my family time, Ministry in the Church, Chaplaincy in the Guard, and Online Classes toward my M-Div, not to mention going to the Gym everyday (except Sundays) and an occasional afternoon of Fly fishing (hee, hee) have really caused me to evaluate my time-management skills.

Please hear me though: "I am thrilled that God has me involved in so many Peoples lives. The Chaplaincy has definitely made it's presence known, and this is an awesome thing.

I was asked recently - I know as a courtesy- "How everything was going with the National Guard". My answer was simply this: "Great, I have never had more ministry opportunities in any previous church ministry than as I do with the Guard."

Does this sound strange to you? It does to me too. But the best I can figure is that somehow the authority in the Rank affords a Chaplain great approachability with real life issues and the fact that when an issue arises, the commander's first line of resolution in his arsenal is his Chaplain. So lets keep praying that the Commander will continue to say: "Send him to the Chaplain".

I have also noticed that it takes a few years, short of a major-life-crisis, before church members are comfortable enough to begin going to one of their pastors with issues in their own lives.

I wonder George Barna would say about this? Hmmmmm?

I love it!
I love what it is doing in me.
I love what it is doing in my ministry,
and I love what God is allowing it to do for our church.

Bring it on!

Could I ask you to do one thing for me? Well, ok how about two things?

1. Would you Pray for me? Pray that God will continue to build good time-management skills in me as well as increasing the "tenderness" and compassionate heart that He wants me to have.

2. Would you pray for my family? Pray that we would be able to intensify our relationships and be a God-Honoring family that is an example of God's grace.


John M


Shanna Locker said...

You got it brother! I already do pray but will promise to continue. You have great kids, a wonderful wife (Prov.18:22) and I'll even add a fun puppy dog (Prov. 12:10a). Isn't it nice to know that God has given you the ability to "juggle" everything and then be able to say you enjoy it all? I am convinced that a schedule - one that includes getting up while it is still dark (Prov.31:15a) is the key to accomplishing.
Also, congrats on being able to grab paper quickly while in a tornado! :)
Praying For Endurance, ~Shanna~

Pastor John said...

Thanks Shana,

-John M