Monday, June 4, 2007

Too Long Since My Last Entry

I am almost positive that if I had any regular readers to my blog, they have long since abandoned me.

It has truly been too long since my last entry, so it is possible that I am only writing to myself. I guess I am ok with that too. It does have a theraputic effect and I find that I learn so much more about myself when I wirte in my blog. So here goes nothing.

Since the last time I made an entry there have been a few noteworthy events that have taken place:

I finished my Greek class! Whew! What a semester! I am so relieved and I was so happy to receive a C+. When I took my Midterm exam, I was afraid that things were not going to turn out so well. I got a D. ugggh! But the A I received on my Final Exam was what really pulled it all together.

I am still boggled as to how that happened.

My status has changed as well with the National Guard. I have been waiting to hear from the Guard for a several months now about whether they would accept me as a candidate for Chaplain for the Unit here in Twin Falls.

I received a call this week telling me that I have been "Green-Lighted" to meet with the State Board.

I meet with the board this Wednesday at 1:00pm at Gowen Field in Boise. Once I interview with the borad, they will give the final approval and I will take my "Oath of Office" on the spot. In other words, I will be sworn-in as a 2nd Lt. in the US Army this Wednesady afternoon. Sounds strange to think about it but it has been a long 10 months.

Jessica has all but officially raised all her Continental financial support. Jessica leaves in 12 days to begin her tour with the Continental Singers and eventually on to Jamaica and the Dominican Republic. We are so proud of both of our girls and it is exciting to see them have a heart for ministry.



Gen said...

Congratulations, Pastor John. Bob and I are proud of you. And I know that you continued to put people ahead of studying as you waited. I thank God that we have two pastors who do that.


Pastor John said...

Thank You Gen and Bob.

You can pray for me today as I travel to Boise to meet with the Board of the Idaho National Guard for the final step in my process of being accepted as a Chaplain for the unit here in Twin Falls. If all goes well, I will actually take my oath today.