Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Best Things To Say

Here is a list of top ten things to say in order of number of words:

10. What can I do to help you get things started?

9. You know much more about this than I do.

8. I trust and respect you as a person.

7. What do YOU think should be done?

6. Lets work together on this one.

5. Your idea is better than mine.

4. I made a mistake.

3. I don't know.

2. Thank you.

and the #1 thing to say is:

1. "WE".

I am certain that I do not use these phrases near enough with all those I work with. You deserve to hear them many more times than I actually include them in my speech. So please accept my apologies.

I know that when others use any of these phrases with me they really gain my repsect.

Our pastor Paul Thompson is one of the best at using these and many similar words to affirm so many in our congregation including myself. I really feel important when I am around him.

I should learn from him. I count it a priviledge to share so much time with him. Thank you Renee and Silas for sharing Paul with me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are way to kind to say those things John. (and yes you may have the day off) (only kidding) (about the day off thing) (unless you really need it though) Thanks for the kind words for real. I too wish I used these words more often. Good reminders.