Monday, March 12, 2007

Still Waiting.....

Have you ever felt that when you expect something to happen and talk about it as though it's a sure thing, it is as if the event holds itself off to spite you? I know, I know, goofy, right? Well. I feel like that right now.

I have fully expected to be sharing with you the date of my commissioning and the date of my swearing in ceremony weeks ago. But I suppose the old addage still holds true of the Army, "Hurry Up And Wait".

That's ok though, because I am back to the old drawing board on losing weight again. I have gained some of my weight back and I need to hit the gym again, and stop hitting the fridge to zap off some of what has faithfully returned.

One thing I have really learned about losing weight is that in spite of working out by going to "Spin-Class" twice a week, and running on the tread mill a couple of times a week, the amount of food I eat has more to do with weight loss than almost anything else I do.

I really believe it is more of an 80% to 20% issue for me. 80% of the weight I lose is due to eating less. Excercise has really done me good, and I feel great, but I still want to weigh less too. So here we go again.

I have learned this one thing. It is easier to lose the weight than it is to keep it off. Food is too much fun.

So here is the official word: "I am waiting on the Lord to reveal in His time, what He will allow me to do with regard to the Chaplaincy and the National Guard." How's that for patience, and 'not getting the cart before the horse' and 'putting my foot in my mouth' and all those other fine cliche's


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