Saturday, February 13, 2010

Confidence in Christ through Surrender

What an explosive passage in Philippians 1 following with verse 6 and through 11. Paul assures the Philipian church that he is convinced that God will continue to bring the church into maturity in Him.

It is God who began the work in them and respectively, us, at the day of repentance and it is God through Christ who will prove Himself faithful.

This is God's end of the deal. We are not the ones to mold ourselves into Christ's likeness but it is Him who does this miraculous work. Our end of the deal is simply this: Surrender.

When we obediently surrender our lives to Him, He is loosed in our lives to mature us and to mold us and even at times, to break us as He sees fit. To a non-believer who has not experienced the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit of God, this will sound insane and perhaps make no logical sense whatsoever, but to the child of the Father who is submitted to the will of God and has experienced His hand upon their lives, the mystery has become reality.

In the victories, storms and tragedies of our lives our faithful Savior, Jesus Christ stands firm, filling us with the fruit of righteousness to the glory and praise of God. (Phil. 1: 11)


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